
In Memoriam: Anthony Antonio

Anthony Antonio (September 11, 1943 – November 27, 2023)

Anthony (Tony) Antonio, a cornerstone of Continental for over 49 years, leaves behind a profound legacy of dedication and leadership. Rising to the role of Vice President, Anthony, affectionately called “Mr. A”, guided the File Integrity Securities Operations department with a blend of expertise and integrity that inspired all those around him. His influence extended far beyond his department, shaping the very ethos of Continental through his dedication, diligence, and enduring loyalty.

As one of the company’s original members, his influence and loyalty made him a stalwart of Continental, leaving an indelible imprint that will endure forever. With his passing in November 2023, Continental mourns the loss of a revered colleague and leader. His decades-long tenure and steadfast commitment served as an inspiration to all.


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