
Certificate On-Demand

With our Certificate On-Demand service, clients have the ability to create a stock or warrant certificate. Our client is charged a setup fee and certificates are printed as needed, eliminating the need to safe-keep an expensive certificate inventory. This service uses the same protected paper required by the stock exchanges and meets all industry requirements. 

To initiate the creation of a certificate, the items needed are listed below.

  • Corporate logo
  • State of Incorporation Seal (or we can generate one for you)
  • CUSIP number
  • Facsimile of 2 officer’s signatures and titles
  • Select a certificate border color
  • Par Value

Once we have all the documentation, we will supply a proof within 24 hours. We have 12 color choices immediately available and if you want a specific color, we can match the client’s PMS color spectrum. Once the proof is approved, we will generate a specimen for a filing need or to begin printing for shareholder issuances, as requested.

Your Account Manager can provide guidance on our Certificate On-Demand service.


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