Dividend Reinvestment & Direct
Stock Purchase Plans
Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIP) and Direct Stock Purchase Plans (DSPP) investment vehicles offered by a public issuer to provided shareholders and new investors a simple, cost-effective way to purchase additional shares of stock.
Plan Features
Features vary by plan. Please refer to each specific company’s plan for details.
- Purchase initial shares through the plan
- Reinvest all or part of your dividend
- Purchase additional shares through optional cash contributions
- Receive periodic plan statements
- Sell shares on a weekly basis
- Cost-effective
- Online detailed account access
Purchasing Additional Shares
Shareholders may purchase additional shares by sending funds by check or ACH withdrawal. The company plan prospectus will outline the features available to shareholders, such as cash contribution limits, timing of purchases and sales, how the shares are acquired, and fees associated with the plan.
ACNB Corporation — Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
New Accounts
Auto Purchase Minimum
Only available for
existing Shareholder with
100 shares or more.
Auto Purchase Maximum
$10,000 per quarter.
Only available for
existing Shareholder with
100 shares or more.
Purchase Dates
Quarterly with
Dividend payment
Quarterly on the 5th day of
March, June, September
and December
$35.00 fee per
item returned unpaid.
This fee will be deducted
from shareholder’s account
in the form of shares.
Tentatively paid March,
June, September, December
Yes, minimum of 100 shares
for Partial Reinvestment
$25 per sale request and $0.12 per share
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
ARMOUR Residential REIT Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Can be done via Debit ACH
for $250.00 or five monthly
ACH debit of $50.00
New Accounts
$10,000 per month
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$10,000 per month
Purchase Dates
On the 25th of each month.
20th of each month
or next business day
$25.00 fee per
item returned unpaid.
This fee will be deducted
from shareholder’s account
in the form of shares.
Tentatively paid
approximately 27th
of each month.
Yes. Acceptance of a
Plan Waiver is at the sole
discretion of the Company
Every Friday
Call to inquire
Service Fee of $15.00 plus Brokerage Commission per share
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
BayFirst Financial Corp. Amended and Restated Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase
Plan Details
New Accounts
New Accounts
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$75,000.00 per quarter
Purchase Dates
Quarterly with the
Dividend payment
$25.00 fee per
item returned unpaid.
This fee will be deducted
from shareholder’s account
in the form of shares.
Tentatively paid January,
April, July, October
Every Thursday
Service Fee of $15.00 plus Brokerage Commission per share
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
BluePrint Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Call to Inquire
New Accounts
Call to Inquire
Auto Purchase Minimum
Call to Inquire
Auto Purchase Maximum
Call to Inquire
Purchase Dates
Call to Inquire
Not Available
Not Available
Tentatively, paid January,
April, July, November
Call to Inquire
Not Available
Call to Inquire
Not Available
Statements & Special Instructions
A statement is not sent
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
ChoiceOne Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Not Available
New Accounts
Not Available
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$1,000.00 per calendar
quarter received
January 1-March 31;
April 1- June 30;
July 1-September 30;
October 1-December 31
Purchase Dates
On the 15th of
each month.
Not Available
$35.00 fee per
item returned unpaid.
This fee will be deducted
from shareholder’s account
in the form of shares.
Tentatively paid March,
June, September, December
Not Available
Not Available
Every Wednesday
Not Available
Service Fee of $15.00 plus Brokerage Commission per share
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
Clarion County Community Bank (CCCB) Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Not Available
New Accounts
Not Available
Auto Purchase Minimum
Only available for existing
Shareholder with 25 shares
or more.
Auto Purchase Maximum
$5,000.00 per quarter.
Only available for existing
Shareholder with 25 shares
or more.
Purchase Dates
Last day of Quarter March,
June, September, and
with dividend in Mid-December
Quarterly: March, June,
September, December
3 business days prior
to investment date
$35.00 fee per
item returned unpaid.
This fee will be deducted
from shareholder’s account
in the form of shares.
Tentatively paid
Yes with a minimum
of 25 shares
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
No Fee on Sale of Fractions
Not Available
Account acitivity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase.
HCB Financial Corp Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Not Available
New Accounts
Not Available
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$3,000.00 per calendar
quarter received
January 1-March 31;
April 1- June 30;
July 1-September 30;
October 1-December 31
Purchase Dates
Quarterly with the Dividend:
January, April, July, October
$35.00 fee per
item returned unpaid.
This fee will be deducted
from shareholder’s account
in the form of shares.
Tentatively paid January,
April, July, October
Available with minimum
partial amount of
10% of the dividend.
Not Available
Every Thursday
Not Available
Service Fee of $15.00 plus Brokerage Commission per share
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change. The optional cash payment and Auto Purchase feature has been suspended indefinitely by the company.
Lucky Strike Entertainment Corporation Dividend Reinvestment and Direct Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Initial Minimum $250.00
New Accounts
Initial Maximum of $10,000.00.
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$10,000.00 per month.
Purchase Dates
Monthly on the last
business day of the month.
25th of each Month
Tentatively paid March,
June, September & December
Not Available
Every Thursday
Not Available
Service fee of $25 per new account
Service fee of $2.50 per purchase transaction
Service fee of 5% up to a maximum of $2.50
$35.00 fee per item returned unpaid. This fee will be deducted from shareholder’s account in the form of shares
Service Fee of $15.00 plus Brokerage Commission per share
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
Old National Bancorp — Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Initial minimum $500.00
New Accounts
Initial maximum
$15,000.00 per month.
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$15,000.00 per month
Purchase Dates
The 5th and 20th
of each month
25th of each month
$35.00 fee per
item returned unpaid.
This fee will be deducted
from shareholder’s account
in the form of shares.
Tentatively paid March,
June, September, December
Yes but at the discretion
of the company. Call to
inquire or refer to Section 13
on p.10 of Plan Prospectus
for more information.
Sale request must be
received by 1PM EST the day prior.
Not Available
$0.15 Service Charge per share sold and $0.05 Broker Commission per share sold
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.Yearly statement sent in January.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
Orrstown Financial Services Stockholder Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Not Available
New Accounts
Not Available
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$2,500.00 per calendar
quarter received
January 1-March 31;
April 1- June 30;
July 1-September 30;
October 1-December 31
Purchase Dates
Quarterly with the Dividend:
February, May, August,November
$35.00 fee per
item returned unpaid.
This fee will be deducted
from shareholder’s account
in the form of shares.
Tentatively paid February,
May, August, November
Not Available
Every Wednesday
Not Available
Service Fee of $15.00 plus Brokerage Commission per share
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
PSB Holdings Inc Dividend Reinvestment and Direct Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Initial Minimum $100.00
New Accounts
Initial Maximum of
$1,000.00 per month.
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$1,000.00 per month.
Purchase Dates
Monthly on the last
business day of the month
Monthly on the 25th of the month
Tentatively paid
January and July
Not Available
Every Wednesday
Not Available
Service Fee of $25.00 per new account
Service Fee of $2.00 per purchase transaction
Service Fee of 5% up to a maximum of $1.00
$35.00 fee per item returned unpaid. This fee will be deducted from shareholder’s account in the form of shares.
Service Fee of $15.00 plus Brokerage Commission per share
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
Saul Centers Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Not Available
New Accounts
Not Available
Auto Purchase Minimum
Not Available
Auto Purchase Maximum
Not Available
Purchase Dates
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Tentatively paid January,
April, July, October
Not Available
Every Friday
Yes. Currently 3% for
Dividend Purchases
Service Fee of $2.50 service charge plus Broker commission of approximately $.14 per share
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida Dividend Reinvestment and Direct Stock Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Initial Investment is
minimum of $1,000.00.
New Accounts
Initial Investment is
maximum of $250,000.00.
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$250,000.00 per year.
Purchase Dates
Monthly on the last
business day of the month.
25th of
each month
$25.00 fee per item
returned unpaid.
This fee will be deducted
from shareholder’s account
in the form of shares.
Tentatively paid March,
June, September, December
Not Available
Not Available
Every Friday
Not Available
Service Fee of $10.00 plus Brokerage Commission per share.
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase.
The Plan presently is open to United States residents only. If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
Sitio Royalties Corp. Dividend Reinvestment and Direct Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Initial Minimum $250.00
New Accounts
Initial Maximum of $10,000.00.
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$10,000.00 per month.
Purchase Dates
Monthly on the last
business day of the month.
25th of each Month
Tentatively paid March,
May, August, Novemeber
Not Available
Every Thursday
Not Available
Service fee of $25 per new account
Service fee of $2.50 per purchase transaction
Service fee of 5% up to a maximum of $2.50
$35.00 fee per item returned unpaid. This fee will be deducted from shareholder’s account in the form of shares
Service Fee of $15.00 plus Brokerage Commission per share
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
Soltrust Residential REIT, Inc. Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Call to Inquire
New Accounts
Call to Inquire
Auto Purchase Minimum
Call to Inquire
Auto Purchase Maximum
Call to Inquire
Purchase Dates
Call to Inquire
Not Available
Not Available
Tentatively paid September
Call to Inquire
Not Available
Call to Inquire
Not Available
Statements & Special Instructions
A statement is not sent
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
Sonoco Reinvestment Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Not Available
New Accounts
Not Available
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$10,000.00 per transaction
and $120,000.00 per year.
Purchase Dates
Every Tuesday
25th of each Month
$35.00 fee per item
returned unpaid.
This fee will be deducted
from shareholder’s account
in the form of shares.
Tentatively paid March,
June, September and December
Not Available
Every Friday
Not Available
Service Fee of $10.00 (Brokerage Commission per share paid by Sonoco)
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
United Community Banks Dividend Reinvestment and Share Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Not Available
New Accounts
Not Available
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$30,000.00 per quarter
received January 1-March 31;
April 1- June 30;
July 1-September 30;
October 1-December 31
Purchase Dates
Tuesdays and Thursdays
$35.00 fee per item
returned unpaid.
This fee will be deducted
from shareholder’s account
in the form of shares.
Tentatively paid January,
April, July, October
Not Available
Every Friday
Not Available
Service Fee of $15.00 plus Brokerage Commission per share
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
Veritex Holdings, Inc. Dividend Reinvestment and Direct Stock Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Initial Minimum $250.00
New Accounts
Initial Maximum of
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$5,000.00 per month.
Purchase Dates
Monthly on the last
business day of the month
25th of each month
Tentatively paid February,
May, August, November
Minimum 10%
Not Available
Every Thursday
Not Available
Service fee of $25 per new account
Service fee of $2.00 per purchase transaction
Service fee of 5% up to a maximum of $1.00
$35.00 fee per item returned unpaid. This fee will be deducted from shareholder’s account inthe form of shares.
Service Fee of $15.00 plus Brokerage Commission per share
Wire instruction must be submitted with the sell request. Instructions must be signed and include Bank Name, Name(s) on the Bank account, Routing Number and Account Number. The shareholder telephone number must be included for verification. Wire will not be sent until the information is verified.
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.
If a sale request is received and there has been an address change within two weeks, please note the sale proceeds will not be sent to the shareholder until two weeks after the date of such address change.
West Shore Bank Corporation Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan
Plan Details
New Accounts
Not Available
New Accounts
Not Available
Auto Purchase Minimum
Auto Purchase Maximum
$1,000.00 per quarter
Purchase Dates
Quarterly with Dividend
Quarterly on the 15th of
February, May, August, November
$35.00 fee per item
returned unpaid.
This fee will be deducted
from shareholder’s account
in the form of shares.
Tentatively paid February,
May, August, November
Partial Reinvestment
available in 25% increments
of the dividend.
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Statements & Special Instructions
Account activity statement is sent after each Dividend Reinvestment.
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